Areas of research

- Syntax

- Morphology

- Linguistic theory (Generative Grammar)

Conference invitations

- “Clausal complementation in Tamazight and Tarifit Berber: Does one size fit all” (2019). Paper presented at: Journées de Linguistique Berbère. Université de Nantes, France.

- “Locative, Existential and Possessive Sentences in Berber” (2018). Paper presented at the International Conference on Afroasiatic Languages & Linguistics. Université de Nantes, France.

Agreement Markers in Berber: Solving the Puzzle. Paper presented at the annual Australian Linguistic Society Conference (2010). The University of Queensland, Australia.

The Syntactic Shift of Berber: from VSO to Topic-Fronting. Paper presented at the annual Australian Linguistic Society Conference (2009). La Trobe University, Australia.